Treatment for ADHD in Children and Teens
ADHD is not a disability. It's a different ability.
Is it ADHD, or is my child just hyper?
Expectations for today's kids are huge. More tests, shorter breaks, and pandemic schooling make things extra stressful. As a result, you may notice that your child struggles to pay attention in school and home. Plus, the boundless energy and restlessness can test your patience as a parent.
Don't ignore these signals, however. ADHD is a prevalent issue among kids and teens and it's possible your child has ADHD. But the only way to know if your child has ADHD is to have your child tested by a trained psychologist.
What is ADHD?
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A child with ADHD (formerly known as ADD) has a brain that works a bit differently. Parts of the brain vary in activity levels and the way it develops and digests information.
Create the conditions for your child's success. With diagnosis and treatment, your child can thrive.
How does a therapist help my child with ADHD?
You may be afraid that a diagnosis or treatment for ADHD will keep your child back - or be bullied. Yet, the opposite is true. Children with a diagnosis receive additional academic support that enables them to make friends, perform in sports, play an instrument - all the self-esteem-building activities that give your child their identity - beyond a label of ADHD.
Ample evidence exists on the types of therapy that help children and teens with ADHD.
Dr. Gerdin may use any or all of the following techniques:
social skill building
impulse control
manage emotions
brain awareness
sleep schedule
diet suggestions
habits and routines
Parents get involved, too. Dr. Gerdin teaches you to coach your child to maintain self-control and use mindfulness and breathing techniques. In addition, you will learn about items like fidget toys, bouncing ball chairs, and more.
Dr. Gerdin also works with your child's school to develop and implement an Instructional Education Plan (IEP) of 504 Plan. These legally-binding plans ensure that your child receives all the support they need.
When deemed necessary to get ADHD under control, medication may be part of a treatment plan.
How is ADHD Diagnosed?
Dr. Gerdin uses standardized, evidence-based psychological assessment measures to identify ADHD or find the root cause of problems. At times, he may use also neurocognitive assessments (IQ, attention, memory, problem-solving, etc.) when it is helpful and necessary.
Session 1 - Interview
In a 1.5 hour interview session, Dr. Gerdin will meet with both child and parent to discuss all relevant concerns and history.
Session 2 - Neurological Testing
Dr. Gerdin may want to review important medical and school documents to get a broader picture.
If needed, at that point. Dr. Gerdin may also conduct neuropsychological testing to investigate your child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses, learn more about their symptoms, and hear how these things fit into their life and personality.
Session 3 - Review Results
Dr. Gerdin meets with both parent and child to discuss results. He provides individualized recommendations and/or needed accommodations. This information is also given to the parent (and school, if requested) in a written report.
Ready to get help for your child? Gerdin Psychological Services in Spokane can help.
A board-certified clinical psychologist, Dr. Gerdin has diagnosed and treated children, teens, and adults with ADHD. Attuned to children and teens who experience the world differently, he brings a kind heart and a sense of humor that make young people feel comfortable and confident.
The first step is to schedule an ADHD assessment for your child. Once complete, Dr. Gerdin will meet with you to discuss the results and next steps.