Get the Clarity You Need
Dr. Tyler A. Gerdin is a clinical psychologist in Spokane, WA with expertise in psychological assessment. He has received rigorous training from several neuropsychologists, personality psychologists, developmental specialists, and school psychologists. Dr. Gerdin can diagnose a variety of conditions by gathering evidence from psychological and neuropsychological tests and people in the patient's life. He has training and experience in assessing the following conditions:​
Autism Spectrum Disorders (and Asperger's Syndrome)
Learning Disorders like dyslexia, dysgraphia, math disabilities, language disorder, etc.
Accommodations for standardized testing (SAT, ACT, GRE, MCAT, LSAT, etc.)
High or Exceptional Intelligence (IQ)
Intellectual Disabilities
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Major Depression and other mood disorders
Bipolar Disorder and other mood cycling disorders
Schizophrenia and other thought disorders
PTSD and other trauma-related issues
Eating Disorders
Problematic behavior patterns like Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Personality Problems
To Dr. Gerdin, you are not merely a collection of symptoms or a "problem" to figure out. You are a unique, invaluable person with an important story. Dr. Gerdin looks at the whole picture and takes the time to get to know people. His reports highlight individuals' strengths as well as struggles. ​
Each psychological assessment is especially crafted to meet your needs and provide indispensable information.

Comprehensive assessments measure a person's various neuropsychological abilities (e.g. intellectual, memory, linguistic, planning, problem-solving), social abilities, and emotional health. This information is always understood in the context of someone's life story, positive and negative experiences, cultural and religious background, and physical health. The wealth of information generated can help to direct future psychological treatment, give recommendations for work, accommodations for school, and provide physicians with crucial information. In Dr. Gerdin’s experience, these reports sometimes have life-changing effects.

Sometimes struggles in school or work can be caused by learning disorders. Dr. Gerdin administers standardized assessments of a person's reading, writing, and mathematics abilities to see if learning disorders or other neurocognitive differences are present. While school psychologists working for the public school are unable to diagnose medical and psychological conditions, Dr. Gerdin can provide medical diagnoses and writes reports to support children/teens that align with public school requirements for providing needed accommodations.

Sometimes people have unique testing needs. For example, parents-to-be/adoption agencies need a pre-adoption evaluation, a school requires IQ test, a counselor requests a personality assessment about a patient to assist in therapy, a school wants screening for dyslexia, parents need assessment before an adoption, etc. Dr. Gerdin is happy to discuss your concerns to meet your needs.

Step 1
After determining that you are a good fit to work with Dr. Gerdin, you'll schedule a two-hour intake session for him to hear your story, concerns, and reason for assessment. You and Dr. Gerdin will make a plan together for gathering information to complete the assessment.
Step 2
You/your child will meet with Dr. Gerdin for one or two assessment sessions. Unlike therapy sessions, assessment meetings can last between two and five hours. Since Dr. Gerdin wants to see your best abilities, it is important that you are rested and have a healthy meal beforehand- please bring water and a snack to testing sessions. After all data is collected, Dr. Gerdin will write a report compiling the results of the assessment.
Step 3
One to three weeks later, Dr. Gerdin meets with adult patients or parents to talk through the results together. You will receive a report that contains results, diagnosis, and recommendations that you'll need. There will ample time to answer your questions. If best for the child, Dr. Gerdin will meet with kids/teens to discuss the results in an age-appropriate and therapeutic manner.